Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks

Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks

Principles, Protocols, and Applications, Second Edition

Basavaraju, T.G.; Puttamadappa, C.; Sarkar, Subir Kumar

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction. Fundamentals of Wireless Networks. Wireless Internet. What Are Ad Hoc Networks? MAC Layer Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Important Issues and Need for Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocols. Classification of MAC Protocols. Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Design Issues of Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks. Classification of Routing Protocols. Proactive Routing Protocols. Hybrid Routing Protocols. Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Issues in Design of Multicast Routing Protocols. Classification of Multicast Routing Protocols. QoS Routing. Energy-Efficient Multicast Routing Protocols. Location-Based Multicast Routing Protocols. Transport Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks. TCP's Challenges and Design Issues in Ad Hoc Networks. TCP Performance over MANETs. Ad Hoc Transport Protocols. Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Challenges. Classification of QoS Solutions. QoS-Enabled Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol. QoS Frameworks for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. QoS Models. INSIGNIA. INORA. Energy Management Systems in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol. Transmission Power-Management Schemes. Transmission Power Control. AODV Protocol. Local Energy-Aware Routing Based on AODV (LEAR-AODV). Power-Aware Routing Based on AODV (PAR-AODV). Lifetime Prediction Routing Based on AODV (LPR-AODV). Mobility Models for Multihop Wireless Networks Mobility Models. Limitations of the Random Waypoint Model and Other Random Models. Mobility Models with Temporal Dependency. Cross-Layer Design Issues for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks A Definition of Cross-Layer Design. Cross-Layer Design Principle. Proposals Involving Cross-Layer Design. Proposals for Implementing Cross-Layer Interactions. Cross-Layer Design: Is It Worth Applying It?. Pitfalls of the Cross-Layer Design Approach. Performance Objectives. Cross-Layer Protocols. Applications and Recent Developments in Ad Hoc Networks. Typical Applications. Applications and Opportunities. Challenges. Highlights of the Most Recent Developments in the Field. Index.
Ad Hoc Networks;MAC, cross-layer;Mobile Networks;Routing Protocols;Wireless Networks