Americans Thinking America

Americans Thinking America

Elements of American Social Thought

Lemert, Charles

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias

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PART I: Americans Thinking America 1 What is Theory? How Can There Be a Theory of America? 2 Elements of American Social Theory PART II: American Social and Natural Spaces, 1727-1861 3 The First Fires of America's Revolutionary Culture: Benjamin Franklin, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Paine 4 America's Revolutionary Culture Burns Bright: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson 5 Nation- State in the Making: James Madison and Alexander Hamilton 6 America Faces Its Fate: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller PART III: Civil War and American Pragmatism, 1861-1917 and After 7 A Suffering Republic and its Culture: John Brown and Harriet Tubman 8 Balm for the Nation's Wounds: Frederick Douglass and Walt Whitman 9 Abraham Lincoln's Implicit Practical Social Theory and A New America 10 Suffering as the Seed of Pragmatism: Abraham Lincoln and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. 11 Pragmatism, the Hard Realities of Change: William James, Charles Saunders Pierce, John Dewey, Jane Addams, George Herbert Mead, Richard Rorty, Cornel West PART IV: American Culture Tries to Explain its Disorder, 1919-1968 12 The Function of American Culture: Henry Adams, Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton 13 Interpreting Cultures: Robert Bellah, Clifford Geertz, Alvin Gouldner, George Marcus, Michael Fischer, Jeffrey Alexander 14 Excluded Cultures: W.E.B Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston, Paula Gunn Allen, James Baldwin, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X 15 The Fungible Interaction Order: David Riesman, Erik Erikson, Edwin Lemert, Erving Goffman, Harold Garfinkel 16 Ethnographies and American Social Theory: Robert Park, W.E.B. Du Bois, W. I. Thomas, Florian Znaniecki, Elliott Liebow, Carol Stack, William Julius Wilson 17 The New Ethnographers of Urban Disorder: AbdouMaliq Simone, Elijah Anderson, Waverly Duck, Victor Rios, Matthew Desmond, Nikki Jones, Alice Goffman PART V: Reprise 18 Power, Domination, and the World Revolution of 1968: Herbert Marcuse, Kwame Ture, Bob Moses, Fannie Lou Hammer, Ella Baker, and Angela Davis Social Theories in America and the Six Elements PART VI: Identities and Differences in an Unsettled America, 1968 and Beyond 19 The Feminist Standpoint as Critical Theory: Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Dorothy Smith, Nancy Hartsock, Sandra Harding, bell hooks 20 Fractured Identities and Queer Analytics: Anna Julia Cooper, Patricia Hill Collins, Donna Haraway, Kimberle Crenshaw Williams, Gloria Anzaldua, Judith Butler 21 States, Social Movements, and Revolutions: The Roosevelts, Reinhold Niebuhr, Charles Tilly, Theda Skocpol, James Scott 22 Rethinking the World in the Unsettled 1960s: W.W. Rostow, Daniel Bell, C. Wright Mills, Students for a Democratic Society 23 Global Structures and Exclusions: Immanuel Wallerstein, Saskia Sassen, David Harvey, Nancy Fraser PART VII: American Futures, 1542 and 1619 to When? 24 The TimeSpace of Traveling Theory: Edward Said, Sam Han, Tr?nh Th? Minh Ha, Cabeza de Vaca, Black Elk, Phillis Wheatley, Gyatri Chakravorty Spivak, Howard Zinn, E.O. Wilson
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Social Theory;Lemert;Charles Lemert;sociology;Power;Knowledge;Social Movements;Feminist theory;World-system