Applied International Economics

Applied International Economics

Sawyer, W. Charles; Sprinkle, Richard L.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Introduction: An overview of the world economy 2. Why countries trade 3. Comparative advantage and the production possibilities frontier 4. Factor endowments and the commodity composition of trade 5. Intra-industry trade 6. The firm in the world economy 7. International factor movements 8. Tariffs 9. Nontariff distortions to trade 10. International trade policy 11. Regional economic arrangements 12. International trade and economic growth 13. National income accounting and the balance of payments 14. Exchange rates and their determination: A basic model 15. Money, interest rates, and the exchange rate 16. Open economy macroeconomics 17. Macroeconomic policy and floating exchange rates 18. Fixed exchange rates and currency unions 19. International monetary arrangements 20. Capital flows and the developing countries
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Current Account Balance;Country's Current Account Balance;International Economics;Exchange Rate;Applied International Economics;Vice Versa;International Trade;Factor Price Equalization;Finance;Equilibrium Exchange Rate;Global;Country's External Balance;Exchange Rates;Factor Proportions Theory;Theory;RXR.;Macroeconomics;Aggregate Demand Curve;Capital;Nominal Exchange Rate;Labour;Contractionary Fiscal Policy;Production;Comparative Disadvantage Industry;Trade in Services;Foreign Exchange Market;Environment;Federal Reserve;Tariffs;Aggregate Supply Curve;Markets;Financial Account Surpluses;Brexit;Expansionary Fiscal Policy;Mundell-Fleming model;Exchange Rate Shock;economic analysis;Interindustry Trade;U.S.-China trade dispute;Loanable Funds Market;Capital Abundant Country;Fixed Exchange Rate;Aggregate Demand;Labor Abundant Country