Engendering Climate Change

Engendering Climate Change

Learnings from South Asia

Rao, Nitya; Prakash, Anjal; Patel, Amrita; Hans, Asha

Taylor & Francis Inc






15 a 20 dias


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List of tables. List of figures. List of contributors. Forward. Acknowledgements 1. Gender Climate Change and the Politics of Vulnerability: An Introduction Part I: Vulnerabilities 2. Vulnerabilities Of Rural Women To Climate Extremes: A Case Of Semi-Arid Districts In Pakistan 3. Gendered Vulnerabilities in Diaras: Struggles with Floods in the Gandak River Basin in Bihar, India 4. Of Borewells And Bicycles: The Gendered Nature Of Water Access and its Implications for Local Vulnerability 5. Vulnerabilities And Resilience Of Local Women Towards Climate Change In Indus Basin 6. Climate Change, Gendered vulnerabilities and Resilience in High Mountain Communities- Case of Upper Rasuwa in Gandaki River Basin, Hindu Kush Himalaya Part II: Adaptation and Wellbeing 7. Wells and Well-being in South India: Gender Dimensions of Groundwater Dependence 8. Gender, migration and environmental change in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta in Bangladesh 9. Female Headed Households, Migration and Adaptation in Mahanadi Delta, India 10. Climate Change and Gender Dynamics: Mapping the Linkages in the Upper Ganga Basin in Uttarakhand, India 11. Conclusion: The Path to Gender Consciousness. Index.
Socio-economic pressures;Climate change;Rainfall patterns;Coping mechanisms;Agrarian economy;Young Men;Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Delta;Lace Makers;Tamil Nadu;Sell Household Assets;Semi-structured Household Interviews;Global Administrative Areas;Mahanadi Delta;IIHS;NGO Assistance;Water Bearers;Kolar District;Non-migrant Households;Dalit Women;Coimbatore District;Buy Water;Lower Indus Basin;Unpaid Home Carers;Indus River Basin;Groundwater Depletion;OBC Community;Gendered Vulnerabilities;Mid-stream Areas;Delta Districts;Gilgit Baltistan