Eschatology in Antiquity

Eschatology in Antiquity

Forms and Functions

Van Noorden, Helen; Pollmann, Karla; Marlow, Hilary

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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List of figures; List of tables; List of contributors; Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; Introduction, Helen Van Noorden, Hilary Marlow and Karla Pollmann; Section 1: Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible; 1 Beyond the Future: Mesopotamian Perceptions of the Very End, Dina Katz; 2 Individual and Universal Eschatology in Zoroastrianism, Leon Goldman; 3 Egyptian Oracles and the Afterlife, Alexandre Loktionov; 4 Eschatology in the Book of Isaiah: Multiple Perspectives on the Promised Times, Uta Schmidt; 5 "As I Looked": Visionary Experiences and Conceptions of Place in the Book of Ezekiel, Hilary Marlow; 6 Daniel and Daniel Apocalyptica, Lester L. Grabbe; Section 2: Greek World; 7 Beyond the Stream of the Ocean: Hades, the Aethiopians and the Homeric eschata, George A. Gazis; 8 'Orphic' Eschatologies? Varying Visions of the Afterlife in Greek Thought, Radcliffe Edmonds; 9 Eschatological Visions in Pindar and Empedocles, Chiara R. Ciampa; 10 Plato's Myths, the Soul and its Intra-cosmic Future, Alex Long; 11 Contemplating the End of Roman Power: Polybius' Histories in Context, Nicolas Wiater; Section 3: Jewish Texts of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods; 12 Protology and Eschatology in the Enochic Traditions, Gabriele Boccaccini; 13 Dreams and Visions of Eschatological Trees in The Book of the Watchers (1 Enoch 1-36), Frances Flannery; 14 Apocalyptic Eschatology in the Dead Sea Scrolls: The End as Counter-Cultural Discourse on Society and Creation, Albert Hogeterp; 15 Returning from the Diaspora of the Soul: Eschatology in Philo of Alexandria, Sami Yli-Karjanmaa; 16 End Times and Ending Times in 4 Ezra, Carla Sulzbach; 17 Eschatology in the Early Jewish Pseudepigrapha and the Early Christian Apocrypha, Lorenzo DiTommaso; Section 4: Etruscan and Roman Worlds; 18 Etruscan eschata, L. Bouke van der Meer; 19 Hope and Empire in Ciceronian Eschatology, Jed W. Atkins; 20 Lucretius 'On the Nature of Things': Eschatology in an Age of Anxiety, Alessandro Schiesaro; 21 Eschatological Temporalities in Vergil's Elysium, Giovanna Laterza; 22 The End is the Beginning is the End: Apocalyptic Beginnings in Augustan Poetry, Elena Giusti; 23 Eschatology in Seneca: The Senses of an Ending, Gareth Williams; 24 Enduring Death and Remembering the Apocalypse: Identity, Timespace, and Lucanian Paradoxes, Katharine M. Earnshaw; 25 Popular Eschatological Visions in the Roman Empire, Jerry Toner; 26 Four Eschatological Emperors: Augustus, Nero, Vespasian and Hadrian, Christopher Star; Section 5: New Testament texts; 27 The End of the Temple or the End of the World? 1st Century Eschatology in the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, Sarah Underwood Dixon; 28 The End-What and When? Eschatology in Luke-Acts, Steve Walton; 29 Eschatology in the Gospel of John and the Johannine Epistles, Joerg Frey; 30 Eschatology-Pauline and Catholic Epistles, Eve-Marie Becker; 31 The Book of Revelation: The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, Christopher Rowland; Section 6: Late Antiquity and Byzantine World; 32 Eschatology in Origen from Alexandria, Anders-Christian Jacobsen; 33 Eschatology in Early Christian Poetry, Nikolaus Klassen; 34 The Eschatological Thought of Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa, Sergey Trostyanskiy; 35 Knowing One's Place: Eschatological Thought in Augustine, Karla Pollmann; 36 Eschatological Motifs and Patterns of Thought in Christian Hagiography, Peter Gemeinhardt; 37 Syriac Eschatology in Antiquity, Witold Witakowski; 38 Eschatology and Anti-Jewish Polemic: Examples from the Armenian Tradition, Zaroui Pogossian; 39 Early Muslim Apocalypses and their Origins, David Cook; 40 Christian Eschatology in Late Antique/Byzantine Egypt, David Frankfurter; 41 Symbols, Icons, Liturgy: Eschatology in Early Christian Art, Vladimir Cvetkovic; 42 Eschatology in the Apocalyptic Revival in Judaism (6th-9th centuries CE) in its Historical Context, Philip Alexander; Index of names and subjects
Eschatology;ancient eschatology;apocalypticism;end times;afterlife;apocalyptic;revelations;proto-apocalyptic;Mesopotamian netherworld;oracles;Qumran;Messianism;Babylonian prophecy;Assyrian prophecy;Hebrew Bible;eschatological;Second Temple period;Orphica;Orpheus;Orphic;heavenly journeys;synoptic gospels;New Testament;Revelation of John;Syriac miracle stories;Armenian miracle stories;Islamic eschatology;Follow;Apocalyptic Eschatology;Young Man;Antichrist;BCE;Prophecy;Eschatological Thinking;Dead Sea Scrolls;Individual Eschatology;Vice Versa;Sibylline Oracle;Final Judgement;Apocalyptic Text;Eschatological Expectation;Matthew 24;Universal Eschatology;Eschatological Idea;Face To Face;Ecl;Eschatological Discourse;Timeless;Reborn;Aeneid;Enoch Tradition;Holy Men