Freshwater Ecosystems in Protected Areas

Freshwater Ecosystems in Protected Areas

Conservation and Management

Finlayson, C. Max; Arthington, Angela H.; Pittock, Jamie

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. An introduction to issues for managing freshwater ecosystems in protected areas 2. Freshwater ecosystem types and extents 3. Freshwater ecological principles 4. Defining and enhancing freshwater protected areas 5. What is different about freshwater protected areas? 6. Managing threats to freshwater systems within protected areas 7. Conserving freshwater species in protected areas 8. Managing specific freshwater ecosystems 9. Freshwater protected area corridors 10. Planning ecologically: the importance of management at catchment scales 11. Planning for the protection and management of freshwater ecosystems inside and outside protected areas 12. Managing freshwater protected areas in the global landscape 13. Climate change and the management of freshwater protected areas 14. Freshwater ecosystems in protected areas: a synthesis
International Lake Environment Committee;biodiversity;Freshwater Ecosystems;C.M. Finlayson;Australia's Murray Darling Basin;A.H. Arthington;Freshwater Biodiversity;J. Pittock;Environmental Flow Assessment;G.R. Milton;Systematic Conservation Planning;V. Hermoso;Murray Darling Basin;M. Thieme;Freshwater Conservation;R. Abell;Ramsar Convention;S. Linke;Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems;E. Turak;Freshwater Wetlands;N. Dudley;PA Boundary;D. Juffe Bignoli;Aichi Biodiversity Target;M. Kettunen;Catchment Management Plans;L. Baumgartner;Biodiversity Offsets;J.D. Thiem;Ramsar Sites;J.P. Forbes;PA Authority;L.G.M. Silva;Dreissena Polymorpha;D.J. Roux;Zebra Mussel;J.L. Nel;Climate Change Adaptation Interventions;W. Rast;IWRM;R. Froend;Water Planning Processes;J. Turpie;Environmental Flow;L. van Niekerk;Yangtze Rivers;E. Blom;Geomorphic Setting;D. Willems;R. Flitcroft;C. Little;J. Cabrera;I. Arismendi;N.C. Davidson;P.A. Gell;R. Kumar;R.J. McInnes