Managing Water Resources and Hydrological Systems

Managing Water Resources and Hydrological Systems

Jorgensen, Sven Erik; Fath, Brian D.

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Section I: APC: Anthropogenic Chemicals and Activities 1. Aquatic Communities: Pesticide Impacts 2. Coastal Water: Pollution 3. Groundwater: Mining Pollution 4. Groundwater: Nitrogen Fertilizer Contamination 5. Groundwater: Pesticide Contamination 6. Lakes and Reservoirs: Pollution 7. Mines: Acidic Drainage Water 8. Rivers and Lakes: Acidification 9. Rivers: Pollution 10. Sea: Pollution Section II: COV: Comparative Overviews of Important Topics for Environmental Management 11. Rain Water: Harvesting 12. Water Harvesting 13. Groundwater: Saltwater Intrusion 14. Irrigation Systems: Water Conservation 15. Irrigation: Erosion 16. Irrigation: River Flow Impact 17. Irrigation: Saline Water 18. Irrigation: Sewage Effluent Use 19. Irrigation: Soil Salinity 20. Managing Water Resources and Hydrological Systems 21. Runoff Water 22. Salt Marsh Resilience and Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise and Other Environmental Impacts 23. The Evolution of Water Resources Management 24. Wastewater and Water Utilities 25. Wastewater: Municipal 26. Water Quality and Quantity: Globalization 27. Water: Cost 28. Wetlands: Methane Emission Section III: CSS: Case Studies of Environmental Management 29. Alexandria Lake Maryut: Integrated Environmental Management 30. Aral Sea Disaster 31. Chesapeake Bay 32. Giant Reed (Arundo donax): Streams and Water Resources 33. Inland Seas and Lakes: Central Asia Case Study 34. Oil Pollution: The Baltic Sea 35. Status of Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in the GMB Plain 36. Yellow River Section IV: DIA: Diagnostic Tools: Monitoring, Ecological Modeling, Ecological Indicators, and Ecological Services 37. Groundwater: Modeling 38. Groundwater: Numerical Method Modeling 39. Nitrogen (Nitrate Leaching) Index 40. Nitrogen (Nutrient) Trading Tool 41. The Accounting Framework of Energy-Water Nexus in Socioeconomic Systems 42. Water Quality: Modeling Section V: ELE: Focuses on the Use of Legislation or Policy to Address Environmental Problems 43. Drainage: Hydrological Impacts Downstream 44. Drainage: Soil Salinity Management 45. Lakes: Restoration 46. Wastewater Use in Agriculture: Policy Issues 47. Water: Total Maximum Daily Load 48. Watershed Management: Remote Sensing and GIS 49. Wetlands: Conservation Policy Section VI: ENT: Environmental Management Using Environmental Technologies 50. Irrigation Systems: Subsurface Drip Design 51. Recent Approaches to Robust Water Resources Management under Hydroclimatic Uncertainty 52. Rivers: Restoration 53. Waste: Stabilization Ponds 54. Wastewater Treatment Wetlands: Use in Arctic Regions 5-Year Update 55. Wastewater Treatment: Biological 56. Wastewater Treatment: Conventional Methods 57. Water and Wastewater: Filters 58. Wetlands: Constructed Subsurface 59. Wetlands: Sedimentation and Ecological Engineering 60. Wetlands: Treatment System Use Section VII: NEC: Natural Elements and Chemicals Found in Nature 61. Cyanobacteria: Eutrophic Freshwater Systems 62. Estuaries 63. Everglades 64. Water Quality: Range and Pasture Land 65. Water: Drinking 66. Water: Surface 67. Wetlands Section VIII: PRO: Basic Environmental Processes 68. Eutrophication 69. Wastewater Use in Agriculture 70. Wetlands: Biodiversity 71. Wetlands: Carbon Sequestration
Aral Sea;food-energy-water nexus;Grit Chamber;environmental management;Trickling Filter;socioecological systems;Drip Irrigation;hydrological systems;Tundra Wetlands;Treatment Wetlands;Subsurface Flow CW.;Deep Percolation;Freshwater Marshes;VF CWs;Microcystin LR Concentration;Wastewater Irrigation;Sea Water;Nitrogen Management Practices;HF CWs;Sodic Soil;Drip Irrigation Systems;Groundwater Depletion;TMDL;Seawater Intrusion;Energy Resources;Optimal Irrigation Schedule;Land Reclamation;SDI System;Bottomland Hardwood Forests