'Progress' in Zimbabwe?

'Progress' in Zimbabwe?

The Past and Present of a Concept and a Country

Raftopoulos, Brian; Kriger, Norma; Moore, David

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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1. Progress, power, and violent accumulation in Zimbabwe 2. ZANU PF politics under Zimbabwe's 'Power-Sharing' Government 3. Narratives of progress: Zimbabwean historiography and the end of history 4. Civil society and state-centred struggles 5. Anti-developmental patrimonialism in Zimbabwe 6. Foreign investment, black economic empowerment and militarised patronage politics in Zimbabwe 7. Teachers' and bank workers' responses to Zimbabwe's crisis: uneven effects, different strategies 8. 'New realities' and tenure reforms: land-use in worker-peasant communities of south-western Zimbabwe (1940s-2006) 9. Two perspectives on Zimbabwe's National Democratic Revolution: Thabo Mbeki and Wilfred Mhanda 10. Reflections on the concept of progress - and Zimbabwe 11. Shifting the debate on land reform, poverty and inequality in Zimbabwe, an engagement with Zimbabwe's Land Reform: Myths and Realities
zanu;david;moore;zimbabwes;land;reform;zimbabwean;dollar;fast;track;ZANU PF;ZANU PF Politician;Young Men;ZANU PF Elite;Welshman Ncube;Liberation War;Brian Raftopoulos;Wilfred Mhanda;Zimbabwe's Sovereignty;Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans;Zimbabwe's Land Reform;ZANLA;Tendi 2010a;ZIPA;Gdp Growth;Fast Track Land Reform Programme;ZMDC.;ZANU PF Government;Momentum Concept;Zimbabwean Dollar;Govan Mbeki;Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front;Zimbabwean Economy;Sam Moyo;Ibbo Mandaza